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sharePosted date: 17 Mar 2021

You will be prepared for an exciting career with a Masters in Public Administration or a close-knit Masters in Public Policy (MPP). There are many options: government, diplomacy, policy-making, corporate policy positions, and management of the public sector, NGOs, media and journalism, etc. by which you can begin your master’s education and thereby build your career. The reasons to choose MPA for your higher education are:

*  You will improve your management and leadership skills

To advance your career in the public service industry your leadership and management skills need to be developed to a good degree. A public administration master's degree is the perfect option for this. The choice is made for those wishing to advance their careers in the public, political and non-profit sectors. An MPA is particularly aimed at individuals who want to pursue management positions across those sectors and focuses on leadership roles such as policy creation and public funds management as well as people management.

* National and International network building

Postgraduate public administration gives you the chance to create a network of colleagues with a wide range of experience. Many MPA students are currently working in the public sector and a wide network of experts with various levels of field experience are immediately open to them. Many MPA programmes focus on the world and study how other world governments and economies respond to public problems, and also attract students from all over the world. They have an international focus. This offers you the unique opportunity to build an international network.

* You are going to become a public sector expert

You have time to specialize in post-graduate education and an MPA programme is no different. This is your opportunity to become a real expert in your area. Some topics in the public sector you could be specialized in include international development, public policy, health management, non-profit management, and policy analysis and policy development. That said, you may consider a Master of Public Policy (MPP) degree as an alternative to an MPA if you are interested in specializing in policies. This degree focuses on public policy analysis and execution.

* In the labour market you are becoming more flexible and earn a higher salary

Getting your MPA will open up many job opportunities for graduates with various government roles and political responsibilities, education administration, health administration, international development, urban planning, etc. Increase in leadership responsibilities also involve higher salaries for MPA graduates who often earn from 30 to 50% more than Master's degrees. But don't think you just work in a government organization with an MPA! Many private companies actually enjoy hiring MPAs for a number of roles.

* You will have the opportunity to take an important position in government institutions

An MPA degree will equip you with an emphasis on governmental organizations and policies, communication and human resources management, for key roles in the government.

Be ready to take changes and influence decisions in your local and global community through your MPA program and the experience and networking possibilities it offers.

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GSP Admin

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