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sharePosted date: 27 Apr 2021

The Covid-19 epidemic has caused millions of people around the world to practice social distancing whether they are infected or not. At its heart, social distancing is a straightforward concept: remain at home as much as possible and go out only when absolutely necessary, such as to assist vulnerable relatives. Although some people are accustomed to staying at home for extended periods of time, most business school students are not. Going from attending classes, participating in extracurricular events, and socializing with peers to partial or full isolation can be difficult, and it can also be de-motivating. But don't worry; there are still plenty of creative ways to pass the time.

* Learn a new language

Being able to communicate in several languages is a valuable advantage in today's increasingly interconnected world. This is also true in business: learning how to interact and network with people from other countries makes you a highly attractive candidate in any organization.

* Get a new qualification online

The EdTech sector is booming, and e-learning has never been more open to students and professionals. Adding an online degree to your programme won't hurt you, whether you already have a career plan in mind or are still considering your choices. You may get approved certificates, diplomas, or study degrees from places like the Open University, or look for more field-specific choices on career websites. You can also participate in online webinars to broaden your skill set and learn useful knowledge that you can apply back in the workplace, such as how to overcome negative thoughts and become a stronger leader.

* Volunteer remotely

If you've ever considered volunteering but never had the chance to do so, now is the time to do so. There are many ways in which you can help disadvantaged people and communities. You could serve as a listening volunteer for mental health organizations to provide assistance to those who need someone to speak to, or you could translate.

* Tutor remotely

Tutoring is a great way to help students all over the world while still putting your skills to good use. Plus, you can make money while you're at it! You can work as an online mentor for your university, a community college, or a private e-learning firm. You'll just need a decent curriculum (which you probably already have) and a computer or laptop with a webcam.

* Write for newspapers and/or web publications

What could be more effective than writing, last on the list but definitely not least? You may be able to land some interesting jobs at a newspaper or online publication where you can showcase your niche experience thanks to your business knowledge and communication skills. Most major publications have a business section and encourage you to pitch ideas via their website; make sure you meet the requirements and really demonstrate your creative flair. A few pointers for pitching good content: stay current on world and business news, look for interesting discussion topics, and, most importantly, write about what you know best!

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