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sharePosted date: 08 Apr 2021

It's no surprise that the Netherlands is one of the most popular European study abroad destinations, with a new democratic culture, a rich cultural heritage, and liberal social policies. As a student studying in the Netherlands, you can receive a top-notch education from the country that was the first non-English speaking country to offer higher education in English specifically tailored for international students. As a result, you will meet new people and feel at ease immediately in a country renowned for its stunning landscapes and welcoming residents. Here is a list of suggestions to make the experience even smoother for new and prospective students.

* Choose Your City

Rather than being told that a destination is stunning or exotic, choose one for which you have a deep bond or a positive feeling. You can also check out some smaller, but still student-friendly cities if you're feeling adventurous in any place. This is the ideal way to immerse yourself in traditional Dutch culture while still taking advantage of the huge foreign student population.

* Choose Your Program

Some students choose their programme or university first, and then settle down wherever their dream education can be found with hundreds of English-language programmes and courses available throughout the Netherlands. Higher education in the Netherlands is unique as it uses a Problem Based Learning system to teach students how to consider and solve real-world problems.

* Prepare Your Application

It's time to start preparing your application once you've determined where you want to live or what you want to research. Some admission criteria can vary depending on your home country, so check well ahead of the deadline to ensure you have completed your application in its entirety. In most cases, you'll need a diploma to show that you completed your secondary education. You would also need to pass an official English language examination to demonstrate your language skills. While you wait for your admission decision, you should start looking into scholarship opportunities and the criteria for applying for a visa.

* Find Accommodation

Another important aspect of studying abroad is the accommodation. Once you have settled matters with regards to your university and program, you need to fix a good housing option for yourself. It's essential to show the information when applying for a visa as well. The first and easiest option would be a university dorm, however it cannot always come by easily as they usually tend to be available on a first come first serve basis. So check if anything is available at your chosen university and if not start looking for options outside. Typically your university would provide accommodation references or some sort of information which can be very useful.

* Settle into the Culture

When you are away from home, you will almost certainly feel some culture shock, regardless of where you live. It's important to understand the phases of culture shock and to accept that your feelings are absolutely natural. Read up on the community, including traditional customs and rituals, before you go. Don't hesitate to look up some faux pas to avoid getting into an awkward situation.

* Have Fun!

While there are many practical details to take care of ahead of time, once you've settled in, it's time to start enjoying your study abroad experience to the fullest. Putting yourself out there, joining events, and visiting famous destinations in your new city to get acquainted is a perfect way to meet new people and start assimilating into the community.

Wherever you go, you'll make life-long memories and make life-long friends, as well as have an amazing study abroad experience.

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