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sharePosted date: 14 May 2021

Are you thinking about studying abroad? Are you having trouble deciding which study abroad destinations are best for you? Sweden, a once-overlooked study abroad destination in Europe, has seen a surge in interest from prospective students in recent years. Here are the top ten reasons to pursue your education in Sweden, one of the most successful countries in Scandinavia!

* Internationally Renowned Education System

The Swedish education system's efficiency and international standing are self-evident, with universities consistently ranking among the best in the world. Any student's academic CV will benefit greatly from the inclusion of one of its fine institutions. Consider Uppsala University, which is the oldest university in the Nordic region. If you want to make it in the big city, study abroad at Stockholm's University in Sweden's capital, Stockholm.

* Thriving Student Life

Sweden has a unique and interesting student community that is steeped in centuries of tradition. College nations, organizations primarily responsible for coordinating student activities, can be found in abundance in the cities of Uppsala and Lund, which have Sweden's largest student populations. And country has its own personality, and new foreign students have the opportunity to interact and socialize with both Swedish and non-Swedish students.

* No Language Barrier

Though Swedish is Sweden's official language, it is a rich and beautiful language, Swedes ranked second in the world for English as a second language skill in 2017. As the world becomes increasingly connected and businesses aspire to expand beyond national and linguistic borders, Sweden is an excellent place to learn and develop your English language skills. A study abroad programme in Sweden, on the other hand, will provide the best opportunity to learn Swedish. The Swedish language, which is spoken by nearly ten million people, has many similarities to English, and learning a few can help you integrate more easily into your new cultural surroundings.

* Beautiful Nature

Witness the awe-inspiring Northern Lights or the endless summer days. The geographic location of Sweden makes it ideal for natural aesthetic extremes. It's no surprise that Swedes are savvy outdoorsmen, given their "freedom to roam," or the general public's right to use almost all public land for recreational purposes. If you enjoy camping, skiing, ice skating, hiking, or fishing, Sweden provides international students studying abroad with an abundance of opportunities to experience the country's stunning natural beauty.

* Home to International Business

For students seeking internships or job experience, look no further than one of Sweden's many internationally known companies. Stockholm is home to the headquarters of companies such as H&M and Spotify. If you're studying on Sweden's west coast, you might consider gaining experience at Volvo's headquarters in Gothenburg. Unlike many other nations, Sweden does not have any formal restrictions on how many hours a student can work. As a result, it is much easier for students to seek long-term employment opportunities.

* A Challenge Worth Taking

Studying abroad, no matter where you go, can be difficult at times. The advantages of studying abroad in Sweden, on the other hand, are certain to make the challenge worthwhile. You should expect to be handled fairly and equally as a foreign student in Sweden. You'll also discover that the framework is set up to assist you in achieving your goals if you're prepared to put forth the effort. And, although difficult at times, all of the above factors combine to understand why studying abroad in Sweden will undoubtedly be one of the most rewarding experiences of your life.

Are you ready to discover all of Sweden's fantastic colleges and programmes?

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