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sharePosted date: 17 Apr 2021

* Accept these feelings!

It's pointless to berate yourself for what is a very ordinary, very natural occurrence. You have the right to be sad! Accept your emotions, acknowledge them, and give yourself the time to adjust to your new surroundings.

* Communicate with loved ones back home

When you're feeling lonely in a foreign culture, talking to people who know you well can be reassuring. Of course, you don't want to speak to strangers who are just from your own culture. However, messaging your family and friends every now and then can be reassuring.

* Find some positive people

It can be difficult to make friends while you're in a foreign country, but you'll find that most people are just as excited to make new friends as you are. Hanging out with supportive people will help you get through the tough process of culture shock.

* Stay busy

When you're overwhelmed by a language barrier, it's tempting to sit at home. Doing nothing, on the other hand, is much worse than confronting your fears. Make a routine that forces you to venture out into the world - and bring a friend or two with you. There's no need to do it alone.

* Learn the local language

If you're worried about not being able to communicate with the people around you, learning the language of your host country might help alleviate some of your culture shock. Although you won't be able to become fluent during your study abroad programme, you should be able to pick up some simple phrases and vocabulary. Check to see if your curriculum gives you the flexibility to enroll in a language class for beginners. If not, there are a plethora of free online tools and applications available to help.

* Try to integrate into the culture.

Try new foods, greet people in their native tongue, and maybe try a new fashion trend - the idea isn't to pretend to be someone else, but to live a little like a local. Withdrawing from society and only speaking to people from your home country can be a convenient short-term solution, but it is neither sustainable nor feasible in the log run. Take advantage of the situation, and remember that these experiences will only make you stronger.

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