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Erasmus+ 2021-2027

sharePosted date: 20 Apr 2021

The European Commission has approved the first Erasmus+ 2021-2027 annual work programme with a budget of €26.2 billion, followed by another €2.2 billion from the EU’s external instruments. The renewed programme would fund the promotion of literacy and international partnership initiatives for ten million people of Europe of all ages and backgrounds. The programme also aims to be inclusive, supporting the green and digital movements.

According to the Commission, the new Erasmus+ programme allows European students to study abroad, participate in traineeships, apprenticeships, and staff exchanges in all areas of education. Furthermore, the new initiative, through various investments, supports cross-border projects between higher education institutions, colleges, and other learning and training centers.

The following are the key features of the Erasmus+ 2021-2027 programme:

* Inclusive Erasmus+:

It expands opportunities for those who have fewer options, such as people from various social, cultural, and economic backgrounds, as well as those who live in rural and isolated areas. Pupil class transfers and adult learners' versatility are among the new features. In order to make the programme more international, the new programme would collaborate with third countries.

* Digital Erasmus+:

The education system has switched to a multimedia format as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Erasmus+ seeks to support the development of digital skills in line with the Digital Education Plan. Short-term physical presence abroad will also be possible in the new format, which will be supplemented by collaboration and online learning. With the introduction of the European Student Card, the curriculum will be digitalized.

* Green Erasmus+:

The programme would offer financial incentives to participants who use sustainable modes of transportation, in accordance with the European Green Deal. In addition, the initiative will participate in programmes that promote environmental consciousness.

* Erasmus+ for young people:

Discover EU is a big part of Erasmus+, which gives 18-year-olds the chance to get a rail pass to fly across Europe, meet other Europeans, and learn about other cultures. The programme will also encourage youth involvement in exchange and cooperation events in order to raise awareness of common European ideals and basic human rights and to bring young people together on a national level.

The Erasmus+ resilience initiative will bring together thousands of different level education institutions while also assisting in the rapid adoption of new customs in order to increase the overall standard of European education.

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