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Drafting an LOR - A guide to common mistakes and problems

sharePosted date: 21 Feb 2024

A Letter of Recommendation (LOR) is a pivotal component in various applications, wielding considerable influence over a candidate's chances for success in endeavors such as college admissions, job applications, or scholarship opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the importance of the LOR, its significance in different contexts, and delve into common mistakes to avoid when writing or requesting these crucial letters.

Why Letter of Recommendation is important ?

LORs are integral to the application process for several key reasons. Firstly, they provide a holistic evaluation of a candidate, offering valuable insights into their character, work ethic, and interpersonal skills. While formal documents like resumes and transcripts offer quantitative data, LORs present a qualitative perspective that enables decision-makers to develop a more comprehensive understanding of the individual. Secondly, LORs act as third-party validation for a candidate's qualifications, enhancing the credibility of their application. This validation becomes especially crucial in competitive scenarios where numerous candidates share similar academic backgrounds. Lastly, LORs serve as a unique differentiator, showcasing an individual's distinctive qualities, experiences, and accomplishments, thereby setting them apart from their peers. In essence, LORs contribute significantly to a nuanced and thorough assessment of an individual's suitability for a specific opportunity.

Common Mistakes to Avoid in LORs:

  1. Spelling Errors:Overlooking spelling errors can diminish the professionalism of a recommendation letter. Recommenders should meticulously proofread their letters for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation to maintain the letter's quality and uphold the candidate's image.


  1. Repeating the Resume or SOP: Replicating information already present in the candidate's resume or Statement of Purpose (SOP) is a common error. Recommenders should focus on providing unique insights and depth that complement other application documents.

  2. Going for the Wrong Referee: Selecting an inappropriate referee can harm the recommendation's credibility. Recommenders should be individuals with direct and meaningful interactions with the candidate, avoiding choices solely based on position or title.

  3. Generic and Vague Content: Generic content remains an issue. Recommenders should include specific details about the candidate's achievements, skills, and character using concrete examples and anecdotes.

  4. Overemphasis on Weaknesses: While honesty is essential, an excessive focus on weaknesses can overshadow the candidate's strengths. Striking a balance is key, emphasizing accomplishments and presenting the candidate positively.

  5. Lack of Personalization: Generic letters lacking personalization may raise concerns. Recommenders should tailor the letter to the individual, incorporating personal experiences and interactions to add authenticity.

  6. Failure to Follow Guidelines: Neglecting application guidelines is a critical mistake. Recommenders must adhere to word count, format, and other instructions to meet the required standards.

  7. Late Submission: Timeliness is paramount. Recommenders should request recommendations well in advance, providing all necessary information to avoid jeopardizing the candidate's chances.

  8. Lack of Signature or Contact Information: A recommendation letter lacking a signature or contact information may raise doubts. Recommenders should include their full name, title, institution, and contact details for verification.

  9. Inconsistencies with Other Application Materials: Aligning information in the LOR with other application components is crucial. Inconsistencies may impact the candidate's credibility negatively.

  10. Ignoring the Target Audience: Recommendations should be tailored to the specific audience, adjusting tone and content based on different application requirements.

Understanding the importance of LORs and steering clear of common mistakes empowers both recommenders and candidates to maximize the impact of these letters, significantly enhancing the likelihood of success in their respective pursuits.


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