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sharePosted date: 26 Apr 2021

When we talk about potential jobs, what comes to mind for you? Medical and technological positions are undoubtedly at the top of the list. However, we'd like to shed some light on another area that might not have come to mind right away. Marketing is a profession that is becoming increasingly important in the business world.

The terms "marketing" and "sale" are often interchanged. The most important distinction between these two principles is that sale begins after the product or service has already been delivered. Marketing begins much earlier. So, what does marketing entail? The art of marketing is to create true consumer value. It is the art of assisting your clients in improving their financial situation.

Since we live in a world where every organization's competition is getting stiffer by the day, marketing is an important strategy for the future. This condition is also difficult for customers like us because it makes decision-making even more difficult. Consider the essential items you'll need in your everyday life. For example, if you simply need to purchase a battery for your remote controller, you have a plethora of choices. Which one is the most worthwhile? Which one would meet your requirements? When there are so many choices, it's easy to overlook the item that will make you happy at the end of the day. Your marketing skills will come in handy here. Marketing informs you of the product or service's importance and any additional details you may need, allowing you to make the best decisions for your needs.

Turkey could be the ideal destination for students interested in studying business or marketing, in addition to the high standard of education and multicultural climate. Many Turkish brands and distributors operate in the competent business world. Turkey exports $177 billion worth of goods per year and is officially the world's 29th largest export economy.

For students interested in pursuing a marketing career in Turkey, there are several choices. You can choose between business administration (management) and marketing as a bachelor's degree programme. You should concentrate your graduate studies on a particular aspect of marketing. Marketing is one of the fastest growing industries and can train you for a variety of careers.

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