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sharePosted date: 19 May 2021

When applying to German universities, you must demonstrate that you have the necessary qualifications. The majority of courses have detailed admission procedures that weed out unqualified applicants while also meeting German regulatory standards. As a result, expect some paperwork. Universities in Germany, like those practically anywhere else, need to ensure that the students they're admitting have the abilities and motivation to succeed during their studies.

In fact, top German institutions place a premium on evaluating candidates to ensure that all classes have a high level of talent. You'll come across a number of admissions criteria when you begin the application process. These differ depending on the course and university, but they all have these components in common. It's unusual to come across a course that doesn't call for some variant on this design:

1. A Completely filled-out Application Form

Any application's core is this. Personal information such as your name, address, and age is required on all forms. There will be questions regarding your previous qualifications and academic history, as well as areas where you can describe why you want to study. It's critical to fill this information completely and precisely, as any errors could cause your application to be rejected. So take your time and attentively read each question. In virtually all circumstances, you can apply to a German university online. This is the preferred method because it allows you to easily correct mistakes and save your form for later completion.

2. University Entrance Qualification

All applicants must obtain a Hochschulzugangsberechtigung in order to study at a German university (or HZB). This credential demonstrates that applicants have completed high school and possess the necessary knowledge to matriculate. The majority of international schools leaving certificates are valid; however double-check with the DAAD's database of valid HZBs to be sure.

3. Recognized academic certificates

Most applicants will also be required to submit documents demonstrating that they have the necessary academic credentials. This will include scanning or photocopying your certificates to a high-quality device, and then mailing them to your German university (usually with your application form). The actual certificates will differ depending on the country.

4. Other Admission requirements

In rare situations, institutions will require all applicants to demonstrate that they are fluent in German. In this instance, overseas applicants may be required to receive a certificate from the Deutsche Sprachprüfung für dem Hochschulzugang (DSH). Applicants at the Master's level may also be required to have an English proficiency certificate. Few applicants from outside the EU are approved at that level without an IELTS or similar qualification.

Before being accepted, students must also have a valid visa. This usually necessitates the opening of a blocked account with a minimum balance of €10,236 and the purchase of health insurance. In addition, you will need to supply a copy of your passport as well as a few passport images.

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