
CarolineComparing Evaluation Methods in Germany vs. Other Countries: Student Perspectives"

Topics » Study Help
Posted: 2024-04-12 00:00:00

Hey there!! In what ways do the evaluation methods used in Germany, such as exams, presentations, and essays, differ from those in other countries, and how do students perceive these differences?


Clementine 2 weeks ago

In Germany, exams, presentations, and essays are the usual suspects when it comes to evaluations. But I've heard from friends studying abroad that some places use more interactive methods like role-plays or case studies.


Giselle 2 weeks ago

I think Evaluation methods in Germany tend to revolve around exams, presentations, and essays, which can be quite intense. Yet, in other countries, they might have more varied assessments like practical demonstrations or group projects. While some students here might appreciate the focus on individual performance, others might wish for more opportunities to collaborate and showcase practical skills


Matilda 2 weeks ago

Okay, so in Germany, they're all about exams, presentations, and essays. But, like, I heard from my cousin studying abroad that they do, like, skits and stuff in class for grades! How cool is that?

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