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Career as Mass Communication


Mass Communication is concerned with communication and spreading of news and information through various mediums like television, radio, magazines, newspapers etc. It covers both print and electronic media. Print Media includes newspapers, journals, magazines etc. Electronic media includes television, radio, internet etc. Mass Communication encompasses the different media used for the communication of news, information, entertainment and other public messages to a large number of people.

Mass communication covers various streams:

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->·       <!--[endif]-->Advertising

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->·       <!--[endif]-->Journalism

<!-- [if !supportLists]-->·       <!--[endif]--> Public Relations etc.

Job Profile

Mass Communication

The responsibilities of a mass communication professional are as follows

Skills required

This field requires various skills Which involves:


As one can the industry is doing quite well for itself and is predicted to do well for some years now. The students of this trade can look forward to working in public relations, televisions, films, publishing, journalism, editing, direction etc. The thing to remember while applying to the industry is that people with strong people skills and a head for communication will be preferred any give day over others.

The job requires the aspirants to be skillful, energetic and also creative. Following are the various job profiles offered to graduates in mass communication:


As a journalist you can expect an entry level salary of Rs. 10000-Rs.15000. As you gain experience of 4- 5 years your salary can grow somewhere between Rs.25000-50000. In Abroad you can expect $20,000 to $ 30,000 per annum.

Recruiting Companies

How do I get there?

Option 1:

Although the eligibility criteria will vary from college to college but mostly depend on the below mentioned factors:

Undergraduate Courses:

Mostly Undergraduate courses only required the successful completion of class XII from any board.

Post Graduate Courses:

A post graduate course would require the candidate to be below 30 years of age and the completion of a Bachelors degree in any discipline. Some would also prefer work experience in some media related work.

Pathway Courses

Where to study?

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