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Career as BAMS(Ayurvedic)


Ayurveda is a classical Indian healing practice that involves maintaining balance in the body and mind through various whole-body treatments. Ayurvedic practitioners assess a patient's 'dosha,' or energy type, to determine the proper foods, exercise, herbs, breathing exercises and other holistic healthcare regimens. Though ayurveda is not regulated in the U.S. as a medical practice, its health benefits are often accessed through health spas. Since ayurveda is an unregulated field in the U.S., there are no official standards in place as far as licensing or required certification. To succeed in this or any health and wellness career, an interest in helping people, solid research skills and experience in the field are essential.

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How do I get there?

Option 1:

Bachelors in Ayurveda Medicine

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In Abroad

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