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Career as Aircraft Maintenance Investigation



Investigating the maintenance aspects of aviation accidents and incidents can frequently be a

complex yet beneficial undertaking. As operators move towards second- and even third- tier

outsourcing for their maintenance activities, the complexity of the maintenance-related aspects of

accident and incident investigations continues to increase. Today’s investigator, even if familiar

with basic maintenance practices, must update his/her knowledge to become acquainted with the

intricacies and potential pitfalls of these new organizational arrangements.

The principles and techniques discussed in this course are applicable to all branches of aviation,

including commercial operations, the military, and general aviation. While this course is

primarily concerned with larger commercial operators, almost all of the principles, lessons and

examples are directly transferable across the spectrum of aircraft operations.

The course’s primary elements include maintenance principles, investigative techniques and

development of corrective actions. These elements are reinforced with actual incident and

accident examples and case studies.

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Aircraft Maintenance Investigation

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